Saturday, November 14, 2009

Welcome to my new blog

Well, i have finally got round to setting up my blog. As i am trying to get a new job in website management/social media i thought it was about time i stopped lurking and started getting actively involved.

I'll be updating this blog a few times a week and will be blogging about anything and everything....from what random things i am doing to my favourite songs, to my favourite iphone apps. So it may work or it may not but there is only one way to find out......

Before i sign off this first post, a bit about me. I'm a self confessed geekette, I'm passionate about social media and how its transforming the way we communicate. I cannot wait to see how it develops and what is going to be next and want to be part of it.

My other passion is pop music. You just can't beat a good pop song, it can instantly change your mood. I go to as many concerts as i can and have been lucky enough to have seen many diverse acts covering pretty much all types of music.

I am a huge football/cricket fan and try to get to Stamford Bridge/The Oval for a game/match a few times a year. I've also followed the cricket down under to Australia and New Zealand and am already plotting my next Ashes campaign :o)

I don't want to bore you before i begin so I'm signing off. Look out for the next post in a few days
